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Students might have heard many times that rarely few questions are repeated in paper. So, why they should solve previous year papers for JEE mains?? The reason is the question they ask has a great probability of repetition of concept which they already asked in JEE main. For JEE advanced, every year the mostly questions frame is new but solving past year questions of JEE advance enhances the striking ability of “questions” and although increases the confidence which is other important factor to perform well in exam.
Also the questions that you solve for the last ten years may not directly get repeated but may have slight changes in data, or have direct application of the same concepts in a similar way. When you go through the past year’s question papers for IIT-JEE Main, you will be able to figure out the important topics and how you must revise them. This will save time in the long run and keep you focused.
Click to get Previous Year papers for JEE mains January 2019 papers for free
Previous Year papers for JEE Mains, April 2019