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Almost 70% of JEE exam questions can be solved with a single or group of formulas without applying any exception or theoretical concept, so won’t it be an easier task to crack the exam if you remember all the formulas. No, we are not underrating the conceptual knowledge and understanding of PCM, as you cannot succeed in these subjects if you don’t have a knack for understanding the concepts. But, cramming after understanding is no harm.
So, without deviating from our core mission of helping you through every thick and thins of exam, Margdarshan brings to you a crisp and reliable JEE Mains formula book having all important formulas for JEE Mains developed after intensive research by our expert panel. This book will act as a catalyst for your JEE Mains preparation by making you more resourceful.
The brainchild of our subject experts, the formula book by Margdarshan is:
Benefits of Using The Formula Book
How to use
Resources are helpful only for those who know how to judiciously use them. So, the ground rules to use our formula book are:
Your preparation should be both, intense and smart, to crack one of the most demanding entrance exams of a nation. Go intense on concept clarity but smart by cramming formulas to save extra seconds in exams. We hope that our formula book for JEE Mains is helpful for you and you can get maximum output from it. We will be always available for the best help we can make for you.
Click to download previous year paper of JEE Mains January 2020 with solution
Click to download previous year paper of JEE Mains February 2021 with solution
Click to download previous year paper of JEE Mains September 2020 with solution